Sunday, July 24, 2011

Going, Going, Gone

I don't know where this next thought process regarding food came from, but here it is. When I have something I probably shouldn't eat, like sweets or chips, I tend to eat it all in one day. I've convinced myself that it's better to eat it all so that it's gone and can't tempt me later. Obviously it's best not to buy that kind of food, but then when I am out somewhere and have to chance to eat bad I go overboard because I know I won't be able to eat it when I get home.

I know if I eat just a little bit at a time I'll savor it for longer. But when I try to do that I end up eating it in 2 days instead of 1 because I want to get rid of the temptation. I suppose this just means I have no self control? And to be perfectly honest I don't know how to address this issue. What do I do to stop myself? To start I won't buy tempting food. Yet I'm already pretty good with that. It's other people buying junk food. Just say NO! Shoot. Easier said than done.

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