Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Dieting Rules

I recently got this comment on my blog "I have a problem at night wanting something cold and sweet so I thought I would try brushing my teeth right after supper and maybe it would prevent the craving." To this reader I am going to say NO! Just a few weeks ago I was using this dieting trick myself, and it doesn't really work. Here's why, when we using dieting gimmicks we fall harder when we fall. Dieting gimmicks just add to the last supper syndrome. Pretty soon you'll just be eating more before you brush your teeth because you know once you brush your teeth 
you won't be allowed to eat anymore.

When I talked about the dieting backlash described in Intuitive Eating (see chapter 1) I talked about dieting bringing on binges and cravings. They also explain that this happens because I deny myself what I really want. So I make it up by eating other "better" things. The next thing I know I've been munching on things for an hour instead of just eating the half cup of ice cream that I wanted and been done eating.

Since I've started reading Intuitive Eating I ask myself two questions when I go into the kitchen. First is the most important "am I really hungry?" and then if I am I ask "what do I really want?" By asking these two questions I stop myself from eating when my body doesn't need to, and I am fulfilling those cravings and not eating more than I really need. Already I feel happier about my heating habits and feel happy. I'm not constantly thinking about food! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great advise. I never thought of it that way but it makes sense.
