Thursday, August 25, 2011

Just One More Piece...

I've really been trying to listen to my hunger cues. Sounds pretty easy, right? Wrong. I realized  I wasn't very successful when I felt like I went from fine to famished in a matter of minutes. It's a lot harder to listen to your body when you've either been stuffing yourself or dieting (which is pretty much how it's been since I started college). I don't know how to tell when I'm just hungry. However, with that said I do believe I've begun to understand my body's signal for me being satisfied (not stuffed).

Tonight my husband ordered pizza. In the past I would just keep eating and eating pizza until it was gone. Why? Because I would tell myself each time that we had pizza that it would be my last time eating pizza. However, tonight I understood that if I told myself it was "the last time" it would be a lie. I've allowed  myself to eat what I really want to eat. And you know what? I ate HALF of ONE slice. I genuinely just didn't want any more.

I know I'm just beginning on this journey to a healthy relationship with food, but I am proud for the progress I've already made.

1 comment:

  1. I am really enjoying your posts here. It is very nice to realize that we aren't alone in this learning process about healthy food relationships, contrary to what we have thought our whole lives. I really identify with so much of what you experience. Thanks for writing. :)
