Saturday, August 13, 2011

Rebel Without a Cause

The other night I went to the kitchen for a small snack before bed. Why? Because I was hungry and I'm trying to listen to what my body is telling me. I grabbed some whole grain Wheat Thins and some cheddar cheese. Nothing "bad." From our living room I hear "you know you really shouldn't eat after 8." I tell my husband that I'm trying to listen to my body. He said it didn't matter, that eating after 8 was bad. So the next night what did I do? Sneak about in my kitchen eating kettle corn.

Even though my husbands intentions were well meant all it really made me want to do was eat. Why? I don't like people telling me what to do. I mean, really, who does? There are times when my husband will be eating junk food and I'll ask if I can have some and he won't let me, telling me that he's doing it for me and I'll thank him someday. So what do I do? I find a way to get it from him and then eat more than I probably would have just to spite him. Don't get me wrong, I love my husband very much and know he wants me to be healthy. That's not the issue. The issue is he is trying to take control of my health instead of letting me. Like a said, no one likes being told what to do.

I used to think that having him "help" me would be better. But now I see that the independent (rebellious) woman in me just won't sit by and be told what to do. It is up to me to take control, and while I need the support of my family and friends, I don't need them telling me what and how to do it.

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