Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Don't you wish that at really embarrassing moments you could just roll over and play dead?

Tonight I was at a sporting event with my two kids. It was getting cold and I'd decided to leave early when my two-year-old made a decision of her own to run out onto the field and get hit by the ball (don't worry it just lightly hit her foot). Where was I during this escapade? Trying to run after her while carrying a baby in a car seat and hoping she'd just come back from me yelling her name (which, obviously, didn't work). The game was put on hold as I ran out to get her and another sports mom cam and took the car seat from me (bless her). So the point of this story? Terribly embarrassing moment for a new mom trying to learn how to juggle two kids. But it gets better (or worse?). The reason she ran out onto the field was because she wanted to say bye-bye to her daddy who was officiating the game; which meant the game was put on a longer pause as everyone watched the sports official walk off the crazy mom who let her kid run out onto the field.

Alright, what does this story have to do with eating? By the time I actually got home I was feeling terribly embarrassed and worried that my husband was upset with me. All I wanted to do was eat. So I ate a cookie, or two. Then I heated up the left over ribs and ate all of those. Then I made a banana split with caramel sauce and tried to enjoy every bite. Turns out, though, I don't really feel any better. If anything now I'm mad at myself for giving into my emotional eating.

How do I learn from this? Well for starters, I recognized that I was eating to try to distract myself from what I was feeling. And I recognized that it didn't work. I need a different outlet. I'm pretty sure Zumba would work, but I have my two little ones with me and no one to babysit (not to mention no Zumba classes going on). Yoga would probably work well, too, and hopefully I'll be able to do that when the kids go to bed. But what outlet can I have when I can't exercise? I suppose I'm creating an outlet right now by blogging about this. However, I'm going to have to explore more things I can do to help alleviate unpleasant emotions.

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