Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Living to Eat, Eating to Live

I don't know where I first heard it but the phrase goes "Eat to live, don't live to eat." At this point in my life I am living to eat. I love food. I eat because something sounds good, not because I'm hungry. When I was a teenager I was very active, thus this way of eating didn't really seem to affect my health nor my weight. However, as a mother of 2 in my late twenties eating whatever I want whenever I want has done terrible things to my body. I am not disgustingly obese, however I am definitely overweight and need to make a change. This is my first step to making a change.

I've heard that the first step to changing is admitting you have a problem. I have a problem. I am hoping to use this blog in an attempt to avoid crash dieting and really evaluating why I eat the way I do. Through this evaluation I can begin to make life changes to becoming healthy. Enjoy the journey!

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