Friday, July 15, 2011


So I've started working out. Being healthy isn't just eating right (I know, obvious, right?).  Through out the years I've done all sorts of exercise, weight training, running, aerobics, kick boxing, yoga swimming, gymnastics, and all sorts of dance. And what I've discovered is that if you don't do something you actually enjoy then exercise is a chore. I usually do it for about a month tops before I give it up if I'm not enjoying myself. So analyzing all the ways I've exercised before I've figured out the best form of exercise for me. Dance. I love it. When I'm dancing I don't feel like I'm "working out." Lucky for me Zumba is  becoming a huge success in the exercise world, and I love it. I've already gone twice this week, and I feel great.

But that's not all. Another form of exercise I love is yoga (though it has to be the right workout, I've done some  yoga classes that weren't as enjoyable as others). So here's the plan. On Monday, Wednesday, Friday I'm going to do Zumba and on Tuesday, Thursday I'm going to do yoga. There. I have to do it now, it's in writing.

I have to put something else in writing. And I'm nervous to do so,  because if I do I have to stick to this goal. Here it is. I want to become a certified Zumba instructor. This means I have to not only get to a good weight but getting to a point where I can keep up energy during a full hour of dance. There it is. Wish me luck.

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