Tuesday, July 26, 2011

You have been weighed and found wanting

I hate the scale. It makes me eat. Ok, it's just a tool and can't make me do anything, yet when I get on it I tend to eat more. This is regardless of what it tells me. If I get on it and I've gained weight I get depressed and eat. If I get on it and it says I've been sustaining my weight I get depressed and eat. If I get on it and it says I lost weight I get excited and eat. As I'm writing this I begin to realize my relationship with the scale is actually a relationship with emotional eating. However there's more to it than just that. When I let myself I become obsessed with the scale. I get on it everyday, sometimes even more than once a day. That's not a healthy obsession, especially with the emotion tie I've just discussed.

Here's the plan. I am only going to weigh myself at the beginning of the month. This is just to be sure I'm on the right track to a healthier weight. But what I really want to do to gauge myself on how I'm doing is focus on how I feel (which is great since I started my exercise program) and how my clothes are fitting. Those things are really more important than a number on a scale.

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